NFL Releases Schedule For 2020-21, Raiders Open On Road
The NFL released its’ schedule for the upcoming 2020-21 season, everything being contingent of course on how the coronavirus is affecting the country. The NFL announced earlier this week that it plans to start the season on time. After a huge amount of buildup and expectation, this will be the year that brings NFL football to Las Vegas as our new home team, the Raiders, will open play. The Raiders first regular season game is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 13 on the road at Carolina. The Raiders will open their new home, Allegiant Stadium, the following week with a Monday night game against New Orleans. Other notable games on the Raiders schedule include welcoming Tom Brady and Tampa Bay to Vegas on Oct. 25 and home games against division rival Denver on Nov. 15 and the world champion Chiefs on Nov. 22. The Raiders schedule also includes four preseason games and four games on national TV, including the New Orleans and Tampa Bay games. Reports say that all of the Raiders home games for the season are already completely sold out. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell says the league is prepared to make adjustments to the NFL schedule if the coronavirus pandemic hasn’t abated and games have to be rescheduled.