Jam-Athon 2020 with News 3 Gabby Hart
Gabby Hart joined KSNV as a General Assignment News Reporter in Aug. 2017.
She comes from WAPT News in Jackson, Mississippi where she worked in a dual capacity as a News Producer and News Reporter.
She is overly excited to be working in Las Vegas and views it as a much-welcomed change of pace.
Gabby got her start in news in 2013 when she interned at WEWS in her hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. She graduated from Cleveland State University in 2014.
She was hired as a full-time overnight assignment editor with WEWS while she was still in college immediately following her internship.
Gabby is passionate about covering stories that matter to the community, giving the people a voice, and holding the powerful accountable.
During her time in Jackson, she covered stories that ranged from First Lady Lady Michelle Obama appearing at Jackson State University, major crime cases, and hot button issues in the state like Confederate heritage month and the State flag fight.
In her spare time, Gabby does motivational speaking for several non-profit organizations. She also writes poetry.
Gabby loves to travel new places and try new things. She labels herself as an adrenaline junkie because on her vacations you’ll likely find her either on the tallest ride at an amusement park, white water rafting or swimming with dolphins in a foreign country.
Cleveland sports are the only sports she knows, and while she is proud of the Cavaliers and Indians. She says she is only a Browns fan by “default.”
Have a news tip or a story idea? You can find her on Twitter and Facebook.