This Sunday is Easter and regardless of your religious beliefs, it is typically spent with family. I myself have quite a few special memories of watching ‘The Ten Commandments‘ and ‘Here Comes Peter Cottontail‘ with my mother when I was a kid.
It was a bit more planned back then before streaming and DVDs. The family would have to gather around the big ‘ol boob tube at a specific day and time to catch it. Commercial breaks were meant for running into the kitchen for snacks or getting in a bathroom break.
Just as you may have your favorite Christmas movies to watch during the holidays, I have a few favorite movies I like to watch over Easter. The list has changed a bit having discovered a few other titles over the years. You’ll not only find family-friendly animated flicks below but faith-based movies and even a horror movie thrown in for those of you with a twisted sense of humor.
Definitely not intended for younger audiences or anyone easily grossed-out, the low-budget B-movie ‘Beaster Day: Here Comes Peter Cottonhell‘ is presented by Kings of Horror. The movie follows a giant bloodthirsty Easter bunny that is viciously killing the local townsfolk. If you loved ‘Cocaine Bear‘, you might get a kick out of it.
No matter your age or whether you have kids of your own, Snoopy‘s Easter movie, ‘It’s The Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown‘ is a must-watch.
Another timeless animated favorite is the stop-motion classic TV movie ‘Here Comes Peter Cottontail‘ released in 1971. Radio legend Casey Kasem is the voice of Peter Cottontail while the ‘Master of Menace’ Vincent Price gives the villain January Q. Irontail a dangerous presence. This one is definitely in my DVD collection.
It’s not important which movie(s) you watch this weekend but rather the time you spend with your loved ones and the memories you make. Have a happy and safe Easter weekend!