Living In Las Vegas: How To Live The Vegas Life And Still Look Young
The world knows that Las Vegas is where everyone comes to party, eat, drink, and well… you know the saying, “What happens in Vegas…Stays in Vegas.” Or shall we say “What Happens In Las Vegas Can Make You Look Older!?”
With all of the hype, lights, and late nights, whether you are living in Las Vegas or just visiting, the party lifestyle can take its toll.
Things People Living In Las Vegas Do That Makes Them Look Older
The older we get, the harder it is to recover from living in Las Vegas, especially if we frequently indulge in this valley’s lifestyle. Here are a few things that people do in Las Vegas that can make you look older over time.
Too Much Sun
Anyone living in Las Vegas knows that this desert sun can be brutal to your skin. According to The National Library of Medicine, “areas of the body that are frequently exposed to the sun such as the face, neck, forearms, or back of the hands acquire visible signs of aging more rapidly than other areas of the body”.
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A Las Vegas local, or even a tourist, spending too much time in the sun can definitely damage their skin. So stock up on that sunscreen, especially as we get closer to summer.
One thing that some people living in Las Vegas do that ages them is smoking. Even those who aren’t habitual smokers occasionally have the habit of lighting one up when enjoying a drink. This can definitely add age onto your life. According to, smoking increases the risk of prematuring aging in the face, including premature wrinkling. And the more you smoke, the greater the risk.
Bad Eating Habits
Although there are plenty of restaurants in Las Vegas that offer great deals and buffets, we tend to eat poor meals, too much fatty foods, too much grease and too much overprocessed food. This is speeding up the process of our cells aging, according to Things that don’t digest well will also definitely put pounds on and add extra time to your life clock.
Not Exercising
A lot of people think that you have to go to a gym to get exercise, but exercise comes in many different forms. While doing your everyday routine. Going to the store going shopping. Sometimes it’s just as simple as parking further away from the door to get those extra steps in. All of which can help with that aging heart.
Too Much Alcohol
Vegas is a place where you can party all night long. And what goes with partying? Alcohol! The more alcohol you drink, the more your body tends to shut down. It’s hard on your liver. As well as on your age clock. Northwestern Medicine actually reported that “consuming certain types of alcohol over long periods of time as well as binge drinking both speed up biological aging.”
Not Enough Sleep
Vegas is a town that never sleeps. The average person should get at least seven hours of sleep per night. And as we get older, it’s even more essential to get those hours in. In fact, reported that “a single night of insufficient sleep can make an older adults’ cells age quicker.”
Just because we are living in Las Vegas (or visiting for the weekend), doesn’t mean we have to look like we’ve had too much of the party life. A few lifestyle tweaks can keep us having all the fun without paying too much for it.