As if there weren’t enough things to worry about. Your credit card information may be stolen by simply using it in local retail stores, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police warn.

Scammers have recently been targeting the Las Vegas area by using EMV (Smart Chip) “skimmers,” according to metro police‘s Twitter.

These “skimmers” are sleek, discrete add-ons to credit card machines that can be easily overlooked. These small devices can collect information from thousands of cards and even steal PIN number information.

The police say when unsuspecting customers insert their cards in a machine, the skimmer will still processes the purchase while simultaneously collecting your card’s data. The customer thinks they made an innocent purchase when in reality, scammers have just collected their credit card information.

Due to the discrete nature of “skimmers,” these devices can stay in place for a long period of time, which makes this a big problem, police said on Twitter. “Skimmers” are commonly found in ATMs, gas station pumps and “unmonitoredpay stations.

According to the Federal Trade Commission, consumers often don’t notice their information was stolen until the bank sends a statement or an overdraft notice.

To avoid being a victim to this scam, here are a few tips to spot these devices so you can protect your financial security.

  • Pull On The PIN Pad, Las Vegas Metro Police Say

    Although “skimmers” are small, these devices are not impossible to find. Las Vegas Metro Police said on Twitter that compromised credit card machines with “skimmers” often stick out and are noticeably different than other PIN pads.

    You can further check to see if there’s a “skimming” device inserted in the machine by pulling on the PIN-pad hood. By pulling on the hood, the skimmer may come loose from the credit card terminal, police said.

  • FBI Says To "Inspect" Before Paying,cameras%20from%20recording%20your%20entry.

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation says consumers should inspect ATMs, point-of-sale (POS) terminals and other card readers before using them. If the machine appears to be crooked, damaged or scratched then you shouldn’t use it.

  • Did you possible find a possible 'skimmer?'

    Las Vegas Metro Police recommends that if you find a “skimming” device, do not tamper with it. Instead, alert a store employee and call “311.”

    And as always, it’s important to contact your financial institution if your credit card information was stolen or comprised. Be vigilant, pay attention to your online banking app and be safe!

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