The Fascinating Reason Las Vegas Is Called The Atomic City
One of my favorite things about living in Las Vegas, besides being able to buy underwear at 3 a.m., if needed (don’t ask), is enjoying the rich history this city has. Sure, we are only 118 years old, which makes us barely toddlers in comparison to other cities. But, unlike other cities, our history is juicy, electric and nuclear. In other words, living in Vegas is bomb.
The History Of Las Vegas – The Atomic City
Las Vegas was born on May 15, 1905, but wasn’t officially a city until 1911 when the folks of Vegas went to the polls and voted on incorporating the city. According to, 168 people were in favor and 57 were opposed (who are these 57 people? Oh, well I imagine they are no longer with us, so whatever).
But thank God for the 168, because without them, Las Vegas wouldn’t exist. And neither would the famous “Dawn Bomb Parties” that used to be a regular thing in Southern Nevada. You may know Vegas as Sin City, but we’re also known as “Atomic City.” And not just because U2 says so.
In 1950, President Harry S. Truman designated 640 square miles of Nevada desert as the only above ground nuclear test site, according to Las Vegans were warned two weeks before the first detonation. And yes, some locals were concerned about a nuclear blast in their backyard, but after it happened, they were stoked. Unlike some other mushroom clouds in history, this show was FUN.

A mushroom cloud is the result of an atomic bomb exploding. People in Las Vegas would have seen something like this from their backyards when Nevada was a site for nuclear testing.
In fact, it became one of the many attractions that brought tourists to Vegas. Think Bellagio’s “O”. Just replace the water and clowns with radiation and nuclear waste. The Atomic Show became even bigger after they aired the blasts on TV. And boy did Vegas capitalize. Atomic Candy, blast postcard and even Vegas Showgirls had mushroom cloud headdresses.
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And of course, the parties (Vegas hasn’t changed as much as you think). The Desert Inn touted “panoramic views” of the blasts. Casinos had “Atomic Cocktails.” Some people would even pack “Atomic Box Lunches” and get as close to the blast as the government would let them, according to
The Las Vegas Dawn Bomb Parties
The infamous “Dawn Bomb Parties” were total ragers. People would sing and dance and literally get sloshed all night long until the flash of the light lit up the sky (and I presume their insides) at dawn.
For twelve years this went on. And, while it seems crazy and horrific, it did bring a ton of jobs to town. Especially military jobs. Plus, it boosted the economy and catapulted Las Vegas to the top of the list of prime destination cities.
And there’s the reason Vegas actually is the “Atomic City.” So, the next time you hear someone say their city is “bomb”, remember that Vegas actually has the history (and the mushroom cloud headdresses) to back it up.