Make Back To School Easy And Exciting
It’s that time again! Our babies are headed back to school after a quick and hot Summer vacation. It never fails, it’s always a challenge to not only get ourselves ready as parents but also for our children to adjust to a changing schedule. In other words, it’s time to start preparing. Whether your child is entering or returning to school, It’s best to be prepared. As an old wise woman once told me, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!” Thanks, Mom, I now know what that means. Here are a few tips to help the entire household get back on schedule.

Back To School Schedule Tips for Parents And Children
Before the school year begins, establish your routine by setting the specific times for…
- Waking Up: After getting used to sleeping in and waking up whenever you want, it’s important to train your body to wake up and get started earlier.
- Morning Routines: Establish a routine that will become a habit.
- Meals: According to, “Eating breakfast improves kids’ performance on vocabulary tests, math problems, and challenging mental tasks. It also helps them deal better with frustration.”
- Night Time Routines: bathing/showering, and getting to bed early enough to get a good night’s sleep is imperative when it comes to waking up fresh and ready to go.
Get Organized
Keeping supplies and information organized can be challenging for everyone, especially children. Organization is key for your child’s functioning skills. This will help them to stay focused and successful. Work together to shop for school supplies. This will ensure your child knows what items they have. Allow them to pack their own backpack, so they will know where to find what they are looking for. It’s nothing worse than fumbling through your bag looking for something that you may need right away.
New School Tips That Will Help Your Child Adjust Successfully
There’s a lot of pressure when starting a new school. whether it’s the pressure of meeting new people making new friends, or finding classes on campus. Here are some tips that will help to reduce possible anxiety when your child walks through the gates for the first time.
- Visit the school or classroom before the first day: Before the new school year begins, familiarize your child with the general layout of the school to help them feel more comfortable on their first day. Attend open house events with your child.
- Talk to your child about their feelings about school, friends, teachers, and new activities: Don’t assume that your child is excited about their first day of school. openly ask questions, and let them know that you are generally concerned about how they feel. Open communication is a great to relieve fear.
- Talk about bullying in schools and what to do: According to a fall 2022 Center survey of parents with children under 18, about a third of U.S. parents with children younger than 18 say they are extremely worried that their children might be bullied at some point. Share the Bully Busters 702 app and website with your child so they can feel even safer as well as informed of what to do in the event they are being bullied.
Related Story: Free Preschool Registration Starts Soon So Get Your Kids Ready Now
In conclusion, Setting goals can play a vital role in improving confidence, developing self-worth, and providing a sense of purpose. With one goal in mind, to stay on target, will help to develop the skills they need to improve, and successfully achieve. Let this be a very successful school year for you, your child, and their teachers. Remember, School can be fun, and it will be if you are properly prepared! Good luck.